Part 2 of DEALT: “E” stands for excellence.
We have covered the initial dream, now we move onto HOW to achieve it. The first criteria is excellence.
Ask yourself this question, how do you expect to achieve the dream? The first thing that comes to mind is to be good at what you do right? This is called excellence.
Do not settle for anything less than the best you are capable of, when chasing a dream mediocrity is not going to get you anywhere, excellence is what separates you from the rest, it distinguishes you as an individual, artist or whatever the case may be.
Adopting a perfectionist mentality is one of the best ways to be “excellent” at what you do, never be satisfied, continue making improvements and giving the topic your best effort.
Practice like there is no tomorrow, perform as if it’s your last and you will have the correct mentality for excellence.
I see so much mediocrity in the world, if you are passionate about something PUT THE TIME IN, don’t settle for the average - push the boundaries into the realm of “impossible”.
Richard Turner is a perfect example of this, he practices 10-20 hours a day and as a result is one of the best card mechanics in the world, he is incredible in all aspects of life.
I always wonder why people don’t practice their passion, why they perceive practice as a chore? This is the most ridiculous thing ever - practice is a fun activity, striving for perfection is a FUN activity. Stop procrastinating and do it. I am continually astonished that people DON'T want to improve their life or ability, I will never understand this mentality. Constant and never ending improvement is a key component for happiness and success.
In conclusion, excellence is the second letter of the acronym, it is the first step in pursuing your dream - don’t settle for mediocrity, the only thing worth while is EXCELLENCE. It will differentiate you from the rest and ultimately decide if you reach your dream. Keep working and strive for perfection, this is not an overnight process!
Thank you for reading part 2 of my thoughts on Richard's acronym DEALT, stay tuned for the third blog in which we will be discussing Analysis.
All the best,
Please find part one of the series HERE.